SOLBAM is only open for Dinner from Monday to Saturday from 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
Online Reservations within 35 days can be made by yourself via 'catchtable'.
Also, only via email inquiries, reservations within 3 months are available.
(If it's January 15th, You can make reservations until April 15th)
* This policy is only applied to international guests
Catchtable : Our online reservation system
- You can check available dates on our system for the next 31 days.
* example: June 11th - reservation until July 11th is opened
International Reservations for 3 months can be made via e-mail.
★ Tips for International Reservations:
We are normally fully booked., so it may be frustrating for you to look at our online system, Catchtable)
Still, we have some available dates in 3 months, so we gently recommend you to plan ahead via e-MAIL.
If you let us know your stay (dates) in Korea, we will get back to you with available options!
Thank you for considering to visit SOLBAM.
Notice: our reservation email has recently changed
Booking Policy
Recommended Dress code is a formal dress.
Young guests 13 years and older are welcome to join us provided they will enjoy the Tasting Menu experience.
Any allergies and food restrictions must be noticed in advance.
Wine Corkage is only allowed for 1 bottle and the price is KRW 150,000.
Cancellation Policy
We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible dining experience.
For this reason, we need a guarantee fee to prevent no-shows on a pre-booking basis.
This is a form of deposit guarantee and will be automatically canceled on the day of reservation with the entrance to the restaurant.
Dinner guarantee: KRW 180,000 per person
Reservation change or cancellation is possible until 4 days before with no penalty.
And due to unavoidable circumstances, penalties will be incurred according to the following regulations.
4 days (or more) before: 100% refund
3 days before: 80% refund
2 days before: 50% refund
One day before: 20% refund
Cancellation/No-show on the day: No refund.
If the number of confirmed reservations is not met, the same rules will be followed by each period.
솔밤은 전석 사전 예약제입니다.
내국인 예약은 전화, 캐치테이블을 이용해주세요.
캐치테이블은 당일로부터 31일간의 예약이 가능하고, 전화로는 2달까지의 예약이 가능합니다.
(070-4405-7788 / Kakao 채널검색 : 솔밤)
예약 시 알러지를 유발하는 음식은 반드시 사전에 알려주세요. (당일 변경 어려움)
코스 식사가 어려운 유아 및 아동은 예약이 불가합니다. (13세 이상 출입가능)
1인, 룸, 단체예약은 전화로 문의 바랍니다.
예약 응대시간은 월~토 13:30~ 22:30입니다. (일요일 휴무)
외부 주류 반입은 규격 750ml 기준 와인 한 병만 가능하며, 금액은 150,000원 입니다.
예약 취소 및 인원 수 변동, 기타 예약 관련된 변동사항은 4일 전까지 확정 부탁드립니다.
(이후 인원 수 변동 불가, 매장 내 상황에 따라 인원 수 추가가 불가할 수 있음)
* 예약금 환불 정책 안내 *
- 4일 또는 그 전: 전액 환불
- 3일 전 : 예약금의 80% 환불
- 2일 전 : 예약금의 50% 환불
- 1일 전 : 예약금의 20% 환불
- 당일 취소 및 No-show 환불 불가
(예약 인원 미달 시에도 같은 규정을 따릅니다.)